It's not official, but another cycle is over. Time to move on, make plans for this new cycle. Positive, persistant, and I will get my rainbow.
I came across this saying on google this morning as I was looking for pictures of a rainbow. "No rain, no rainbow". I have been told that a rainbow is God's promise. And I believe God keeps his promises. Just on his time, not ours.
"No rain, no rainbow". I am taking it into my own hands and perceiving it my way. I guess to me it means, to get your rainbow, you have to endure the rain. To get my baby girl, I have to fight threw all the unwanted feelings of depression, defeat and frustration.
I will get my rainbow...I will have my victory...my Victoria...
Sometimes it's a down pour before the rainbow Serena girl. I know I had a flood before my rainbow. But that rainbow was the BEST most beautiful rainbow I could ever imagine. "She" will be worth the wait. I can promise.