Wednesday, April 29, 2009

7dpo...cycle #4...

Oh how times flies when you are obsessing. We are three quarters threw our 4th cycle of ttc. I am 7DPO and pretty sure this cycle was a flop too. Im trying to stay positive, but I also follow my gutt feeling. And my gutt tells

Craig went to see the Dr last week about getting a SA done. They said they would do it, but we havent heard anything from anyone. Right now everything is such a waiting game. I seriously dont know how much more I can take before I lose my mind.

I often wonder if we should even continue to ttc. If we should just leave life as it is. I am considering giving up ttc for a while if I am not pg this cycle...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

No rainbow...

It's not official, but another cycle is over. Time to move on, make plans for this new cycle. Positive, persistant, and I will get my rainbow.
I came across this saying on google this morning as I was looking for pictures of a rainbow. "No rain, no rainbow". I have been told that a rainbow is God's promise. And I believe God keeps his promises. Just on his time, not ours.
"No rain, no rainbow". I am taking it into my own hands and perceiving it my way. I guess to me it means, to get your rainbow, you have to endure the rain. To get my baby girl, I have to fight threw all the unwanted feelings of depression, defeat and frustration.
I will get my rainbow...I will have my Victoria...

Monday, April 6, 2009


and no AF. If my temp hadn't dropped this am I would definitely think something was up. I guess now we wait and see. If nothing by this afternoon I will send hubby out to buy me another pg test(because I have used up my stash!!).

Come on BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I dont think you can ever prepair yourself for the trials and frustrations of trying to conceive a child.
Some of us are lucky enough to conceive quickly with no complications, and some of us, well...not so much.
We are coming to the end of our third cycle of trying to conceive our sixth child. I am fairly certain that this cycle was not successful. And yes, even though 3 cycles is not a lot, it is still just as heartbreaking every time that my period shows.
Feel like a failure. Feel like my husbands surgery was a failure. Feel like maybe we just aren't meant to have another child. I know, I know, a little emotional. When you want something SO badly, and you truly have no control over the situation, it makes your mind and heart do funny things.
If I am not pregnant this cycle, I might as well count out next cycle too. I was stupid and booked a trip away right around the same time I will be ovulating. *sigh*
I am praying to God, and whoever else will listen that I am already pregnant. That I am carrying a child within me. Please...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

8dpo in the afternoon...

because I am obsessive like that ;)