Monday, July 20, 2009

Our first appointment!

We finally had our first appointment! Things went well. My urine was fine, my bp was a bit low, but he said it was nothing to worry about. I have gained 8lbs since I got pregnant. I almost fell off of the scale. I am so scared of gaining too much. Anyway...I will be better next month ;) I had my pap, and breast exam. He told me the mass that I was feeling in my breast was just breast tissue and nothing to worry about. He said they would keep an eye on it though.

We got to hear the baby's heartbeat! He tried for a few minutes on the left side, but couldnt get it. Said the placenta is anterier. He finally found her over on the right side. It was at 150bpm.

I also have my u/s booked for September 9 at 11am. 1 month, 2 weeks, 6 days! hehe...but who's counting?!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Its been a long time baby...

Wow, I hadnt realised how long it had been since I had posted.

Things with me and baby have been good. There has been a few days that I have felt a little queezy, but other than that, I have been doing awesome.

The last couple of days my headaches have been back though, so that is NO FUN.

Also my face has been breaking out like you would not believe. Ah...the joys :)

I am now 10 weeks 3 days pregnant and counting down the days until the second trimester. I have a dr appointment on Friday and praying that we get to hear the heartbeat.